Thursday, April 7, 2011

Book Rec

I forgot to tell you a great book I just finished.  It's really good and a super easy read if you're looking for something quick and entertaining.  It's called Heaven is for Real.  I think most of you would really like it. 

Have a great day today.  The 3rd graders and I are heading out on a field trip this afternoon to see a play at the Rose Theater.  I'm just excited for 2 hours out of this day where I don't have to be the entertaining one.


JH said...

One of my students and several teachers recommended this too! Guess it's time to use that Border's educator discount and grab a copy for myself :-) Great job on the blog - it's great! We need a bump picture though...

Gabrielle said...

I have a copy of it if you want to borrow it! It's really interesting. And don't worry...a pic of the bump is coming tonight. I just tried to take one, but I forgot my camera battery was dead. So it's charging now!