Friday, September 16, 2011


Do you love Adele as much as I do?  She's amazing and I'm totally diggin this cd.  It is my current fave pandora station and ipod choice. 

In other news, it went from 90 degrees to 40 in like 2 days.  Which makes me frustrated for a few reasons.
 1.) I love fall and need that in between weather. 
2.) I have no idea where any of my cold weather clothes are...don't even get me started about Jude's. 
3.) It seems wrong to use the ac and heat in the same week.
Are you with me Nebraskans? 
Californians...shut it.

But if it's gonna be cold(er) I'm excited to start wearing these again

scarves and boots are some of my favorite cold weather items.

In other news, this weekend is gonna be pretty exciting for us.  Jude's getting baptized!  I can't wait to see him become a child of God in that cute little white outfit that his dad wore at almost exactly the same age. And speaking of that outfit, it's sort of summery. So Sunday, if you're listening, you better not be too cold.

1 comment:

Megan Barber said...

Have an awesome day celebrating Jude's baptism! And I TOTALLY hear you about the weather...Keatin wore a tank top on Monday and sweatpants today...craziness!!!!