Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'm in love with a ......


Homemade baby food couldn't get any easier.  This is by far the most useful and cutest thing we've bought in a while.  My convincing paid off......even the hubs digs this.  What does Judebug think?  Well, he loves him some sweet potaters!


Caitlin said...

darn it! the video is private so we can't watch it :(

Gabrielle said...

Thanks for letting me know! I think I fixed it. Did I? Also, why am I still up?

auddi Leos said...

num num!!! love you guys!!

JH said...

So cute! Jude makes that stuff look so good that I just might puree our next meal...

Caitlin said...

hahaha that's the best! i looooove how you stop jude from getting num nums all over that beautifully clean white strap. we'll see how long you can protect that chair from sweet potatoes! jude sure does love his mommy's homemade num nums. great job with that baby bullet.