Saturday, February 4, 2012


Who doesn't love heart-themed breakfasts?  Especially on a day filled with..........snow?  Yeah, I almost felt like I should've changed the heart to a snowflake.  We're expected to get almost 8 inches.  Hellllllllllllo winter.  How nice of you to join us.

I'm not complaining, except for maybe the small fact that this came on a Saturday, and not a school day. I mean, come on!  We haven't had one snowday all year!  Maybe they'll feel bad for us and give us Monday off, just cause. 

Want to know why I've been so bad with posting lately?  How much time you got?  I mean, besides having the most active 8 month old (yeah, you heard it, 8 months!!!!) ever, and the little fact that we're moving in 4 months, there's also this little fact that I haven't been on an actual computer for weeks.  Thank you Mr. Ipad.  You have taken over my world.  I literally haven't uploaded real pics from our camera in over a month.  So I might have to throw a ton of pics on here later.  You know, all the ones from a while ago.  The ones that show our little man's chompers, rompers and everything in between.  (Sorry, I felt the need to rhyme.).  That is if our power doesn't go out.  And by the looks of our power lines outside, let's just say I'm not getting my hopes up.  The flashlights are ready and the phones are charged.  Yay for living in an old part of town! 

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