Thursday, June 14, 2012

Easy feet

Yeah, I've got a million things going on in my life and I'm writing about the easy feet. So sue me.

But today I had to run to get a few things for the bug so of course I headed to Target, my second home. We needed milk, toddler forks (Jude's getting jealous of our utensils), pacifiers (can you believe they don't sell the ones he likes anymore....totally our luck...and he only has one left so I got nervous and figured we better try and transition smoothly to another kind), and anything else that we might find.

The trip was a bummer. The only forks in stock were some weird disposable kind, and the pacifiers with similar nipples (he will not do those ortho ones at all) were all girl colors. Had it not been for running into Kerri, the preschool teacher at work, it would have been the biggest Target fail I've ever had. {thanks for redeeming it for us, Kerri! Totally worth it to see you!}. So after we bought some cups and bowls on clearance (because of course we needed them) we decided to head to Walmart.

I don't usually have good luck at the walheezie but today, oh today, was a different story. For starters, I found some great forks. And by the grace of God found some similar pacis that he actually likes. Alleluia! I was already one happy camper and then I ran into this, the easy feet. Guys, I've been wanting this for years, or whenever it was when I first saw it on TV. It's like heaven in a scrub! For someone who washes her feet almost every night before bed because she can't stand the feeling of dirty feet, this was a huge find. And on clearance for 5 smackers! I almost bought 2 (almost). Anyway, I should probably be embarrassed about my excitement, or the fact that I just blogged about washing my feet, but I am not! We all have our things.

So besides washing my feet, I've been doing nothing but packing, mixed with a bit of mommying, throughout the day. We move in like 2 weeks. Pressure's on!

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