Thursday, May 3, 2012

Because it's funny

Eventually, whenever I get my lazy bum to actually print out pictures, I have a plan of blowing these up to 8 x 10 (or something bigger) and framing them in a series.  Caitlin, hold. me. to. this. when you visit in July!  These were taken at the beginning of April.

I have seriously never met a baby who gives so much love!


Jen M. Hasiak said...

aawhhh! :)

Gabrielle said...

Aunt Jenny! Can't you just hear him saying his awwwwwwwwwwww sound in that last pic. I love when he makes his loving sound!

Caitlin said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! You look so great ~ I LOVE your hair!!!! (And your kid and husband are cute, too.) You will be framing these.