Friday, May 4, 2012


I'm at a loss for words about today. As some of you will remember, a few months ago I went to see Immaculee Ilibagiza speak at a local college. Immaculee survived the Rawandan genocide by the pure grace of God and has a miraculous story of faith and forgiveness to share. I have read two of her three books, "Left to Tell" and "Our Lady of Kibeho" and cannot wait to read her third, "Led by Faith".

So you can imagine my excitement when I found out she was coming back to Omaha! This time was different though, for many reasons. First, it was a school field trip so I was technically 'working' and second, I got to meet her and tell her how beautiful she is (I didn't know what else to say...what do you say to a person who could very well become a saint one day?)

You know that feeling you get when you're in the presence of someone or something powerful? It's a pretty overwhelming feeling. Beyond our earthly comprehension that it just brings you to tears. I don't feel it a lot, but I do let my feelings carry me away more than the average person as I've always been one to think deeply and appreciate the God moments. But I felt it today. Totally felt it today. God's love exudes. Exudes I tell you! Overflows with pure joy! My mom was there and brought Jude too. She said her heart was exploding with joy when Immaculee held my little guy. Mine did too.

I came home and tried to describe it to Christopher. It's hard to explain that strong of a feeling to someone who wasn't there. But I tried my best. The only way I could sum it up was by saying if that's the amount of joy Immaculee brings when I'm in her presence, I cannot imagine what it would be like to be in God's presence!

It's the feeling of absolute goodness. Happiness.
It's the idea of faith. Believing that there is something more powerful than us. And that that powerful 'something' is ON OUR SIDE if we allow Him. Amazing!

Can you tell I'm still on a high? And with these pictures, how can I not be? I've been looking at them all night.

It's a day I'll never forget!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

That's amazing! We've got to get back to reading so that we can start those books!