Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Let it Snow!

I really can't think of anything much better than snow during the Christmas season, can you?  That's why you can probably imagine my excitement when I realized it was snowing on Saturday morning.  I woke up early to check on the kids, and accidentally glanced out the window and BAM: instant happiness.  Adding to that happiness was the realization that I could still climb in my cozy bed a get a little more sleep before two munchkins woke up.  Which is what I did.  But when they did wake up, we ate breakfast and headed outside.

It was pretty snow.  The perfect kind for making snowmen. And so that's what we did. (By we, I mean the boys.)

Daddy teaching Jude the proper snowman rolling technique.

Auto awesome: you are kinda awesome.  I opened my photos and found this little surprise.
such a little helper

Can you tell where they've rolled?

Hey girl!  She wanted you to know that she was outside having fun, too.

Hey there!

My turn: hey there!

He didn't have time to pose with me.
His first snowman! We had none of the appropriate snowman materials, so we improvised.  Actually, I have no idea where the eyes even are, but you can definitely see the hair, which the boys were very happy about.

Today is supposed to be in the 50's here, so most likely all of this will be gone.  So sad!  At least it was pretty while it lasted!

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