Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Sprucing & pic posting

Hey guys!  Notice any changes around here?  I've spruced up the place a bit!  I'm a tad excited about the changes and am looking forward to posting more in 2014.  Don't be a stranger! 

I also wanted to share a few random pictures of the kids with you.  Lucy is all of a sudden turning into this big girl.  I can't even deal with it.  Eight months has gotta be one of my favorite baby ages.  I mean, seriously, the other night she was sitting down with her legs outstretched (as most babies do) and got so excited she started flapping her arms so fast that she literally tipped over.  She tipped over from excitement!  If that doesn't get you, I don't know what will.  Anyway, it takes all I've got to not just smooch the living daylights outta her each day.  We barely make it.  And I mean barely.

A little of my girl...

Remember how I said she tipped over?  Well, looks like we may have a little documentation of it.  Here is how it starts...
....this is how it ends.
No worries, though.  My little lady gets right back up again.

Grandpa Hasiak
Grandpa Anthone
The poor girl is forced to wear this hat all. the. time. by her big brother.

Just keeping it real/who needs brushed hair? NOT US!

So, she's big.  And the bigger she gets, the more she just loves, loves, loves her brother.  It's so cute how she can't get enough of him.  These two, I tell ya.

Just watching Toy Story (this girl is a pro at pulling herself up now)

Try all you want to take that hat off, Lucy, you and I both know it's going back on.
The fact that Lucy can pull herself up now is causing quite the problem for poor Jude and his train.  It's also causing quite a problem with this mama, too.  I swear I "two-nect" (connect) the tracks like 393 times a day.  Did I say day?  I meant hour.

This train.  This train was the highlight of their lives.  I don't think Jude saw anything better, ever.  But we were asking for trouble with it just sitting out and all.  I was losing my sanity, so we slowly 'put it away'.

Again, I kid you not, it was love at first sight.  He sat, and sat, and sat, while it went around, and around, and around. This picture was taken the first day we got it out.  Total fascination.
Some serious playing going on right here...
...and here.

Haha omg...these faces! I die!

I really could go on and on about how they steal my heart, but it's 11:40 now and I'm tired.  Tired because of these two.  The best kind of tired there is.


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