Friday, October 14, 2011

cute students

So have I told you that I'm a librarian this year?  Well, it's a pretty sweet gig.  Plus, I've learned a lot about the library so now I might even be able to take Jude one day and not feel intimidated.  But anyway, I never was a big reader when I was little.....something I totally regret now, but still, I was the kid in class that pretended to read because she really wasn't interested in actually getting lost in the story.  I must not have found good books because I always thought it was boring, and I could think of a million other things I'd rather be doing than reading. And sometimes, if I was really bored, I'd probably make a list of those things.  Man I was strange. 

So when I come across kids that just love to read, I think it's the cutest thing ever, because secretly I'm jealous of them.  I've always been honest with my students, telling them how they should read now so they don't have to live in regret like me.  Yes, I was that dramatic when I gave them the schpeel.  And some, they just totally get it.  They love books!

So this morning, before I have classes, I'm sorting through the returned books and I came across these two:

You wouldn't believe how excited I was to see them.  Why, you ask?  Well, two students, you know...... the kind that actually love to read, have been waiting so patiently to check these out.  I'm talking a couple weeks, and each library class they ask me if they're back.  I tell them no, and they get disappointed.  Then I get disappointed because they're just so bummed with that another week without the book sulky face.  And in a weird way, it sorta breaks my heart. a little.

So today's gonna be a good day.  I can't wait to tell them they're finally here!  They're gonna be so excited.  Which of course will make me excited.  I'll probably tell them that good things come to those who wait and then they'll run off to a cozy corner of the library to jump on in.  Kids can be so cute sometimes!

And for someone who never loved books as a kid, if you told me I would grow up to be a librarian where books would literally affect my everyday mood, I'd think you were crazy.  Oh how weird this little world we live in is.  But today it'll be a good weird world.  Because today I'll get to see the innocent joy of the little things in life.  And really, it's the little things in life that matter anyway.

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