Sunday, October 16, 2011

Laugh often...

Here's to hoping this video works!  I've had some trouble with videos in the past, but if you do end up getting a chance to watch this, I think you'll like it.

Isn't a baby's laugh just the greatest? 


JH said...

Adorable! I have the cutest nephew ever :-) Great job with posting the video Gaby.

Caitlin said...

His laugh is incredible. My favorite part was the end when he stood up and looked as though he were ready for "Round 2 - punching daddy in the face!" You cut it off at the perfect time. What a loooooooove!!!!

Gabrielle said...

Jen, that's for the posting props...I'm getting there aren't I?!

Cait, first of all, glad you made it through the whole video. Whenever I'm taking them I always think they're short and then I go to post and they are so long! secondly, round 2 would've been funny. he sure loves playing with his daddy!