Saturday, April 7, 2012


I'm capturing this moment because it is simple and perfect.

- it is raining/cloudy outside and the grass is freshly mowed and lookin green. Gorge. (did I tell you that I trimmed the edges of the yard, too? I hate that part. It took forever for me to teach myself how to thread the darn thing. I must've looked frustrated because when the mailman walked by to deliver the mail, and I asked him how he was, his response was, "better than you. I hate dealing with those trimmers." No big deal though I got it...and was excited the mailman had only made it across the street by this point and could hear my accomplishment in the form of a trimmer roar. How lame that I was excited. Want to know something cute? our mailman walks from house to house. All the mailboxes in our area are by the front doors of the houses. I think this will be a requirement for every house I own. I think it makes for a very ideal neighborhood)<---hello tangent! Let's get back to my perfect morning.....

- I'm drinking coffee. Instant happiness

- baby is napping

- it is Easter tomorrow!

- Father of the Bride Part 2 is on (did you know it was filmed in San Marino? That's a cute town right by Pasadena! So of course i'm feeling a bit nostalgic now too.)

- I only have 3 more loads of laundry to catch up on (excited to have a normal sized washer and dryer in st. Louis)

- chris should be home at noon today (but I don't get my hopes up anymore these days. Doctors work so damn hard)

- the dining room is almost packed

- I finished my painting for the auction at school

- Chris and I watched an amazing show on the history channel last night called "The Real Face of Jesus". It was so good and renewed the faith needed for this weekend.

- tomorrow I get to eat sweets again!

Isn't finding happiness in the littlest things what life is all about? Also, while it's on my mind I've gotta throw this out there: Jude did not go see the Easter bunny this year mostly because I am not a fan of the Easter bunny (for several reasons). I am hoping I can get away with this for at least a couple more years!


Caitlin said...

Does this mean 8:24 my time, or your time? What a beautiful morning! Your yard work is superb. So greeen! And the whole dining room? Ahead of the game, you go girl!

Gabrielle said...

I think it's your time. Boy wouldn't that be really impressive if it were my time! But yeah, aren't you proud of the dining room progress? I know for sure we're moving all of that room and the whole guest room at least so that gives me a goal for this first move. We need that don't we? Want to know something funny....I had a dream last night that we moved to Georgia and I was excited because the state abbreve is GA. Look what this packing is doing to me!