Saturday, September 1, 2012

Where ya been, Sept!?

Holy cowsers, it's September. We're approaching the best time of the year! I'm already getting antsy to decorate for fall, but what's new?

So what comes in September? A little college football of course! Always brings me back to when I was younger and we'd go to the USC games. We had 2 season tickets so my siblings and I would take turns going (to the ghetto) with my dad. We'd sometimes sit in our regular seats, and sometimes sit in the bleachers in the end zone. Not sure if you can do that anymore, the band might sit there now. Ohhh, that band! I think my favorite part was the halftime show they put on (I know, such a girl). You just can't beat the Trojan band.

But today, today is about Nebraska! I painted the town (or my nails) red for heaven's sake. We're missing it today. Feeling like there really IS no place like Nebraska. So for a few hours we'll yell at the screen (Christopher) and take in all the glory. Go big red!

(ps. I put my small child to work this morning...but he asked for it, so we're cool)

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