Friday, February 10, 2012

Doing Something Right

Last night Chris and I enjoyed a super delish meal at Bonefish Grill.  For those of you that don't know what Bonefish is, it's an amazing seafood restaurant here in Omaha.  One of our favorites.  Especially the bang bang shrimp. You with me peeps?  Well, we wanted to be with Jude so we turned down both sets of grandparents' offering to babysit and decided to bring him along.  I guess I'm still in the I always want to be with my baby  phase (kind of a great phase to be in).  Anyway, we were at Bonefish, which is not necessarily the most kid friendly restaurant, so I was a tad nervous about what people might think about us having a baby there.  Probably me just being a self-conscious new mom.  Nevertheless, we plopped him in his high chair and hoped to have a non-eventful dinner. 

Once again, my baby love did not disappoint.  He was SO good!  He just hung out, checked the new scenery, and occasionally enjoyed momma's super fab garlic mashed potaters.  It was such a great time!  We even talked about how lucky we were to still be able to enjoy a classy meal together, even with the new addition to our fam. 

We were leaving when a middle-aged lady at the next table stopped me. 

Lady:  "Ma'am, I just have to tell you, your baby was so good tonight."
Me:  "Oh thanks!  He's a really good boy"
Lady:  "You know, they're not all like that, we were really impressed! You guys must be doing something right."
Me:  "Oh that's so nice of you to say.  We were just saying how we felt lucky to be able to go out with him."
Lady:  "I love how he didn't need to be the center of attention.  What a good life lesson you're teaching him. You keep doing what you're doing, because you're doing something right."

Do you know how good that felt for us as first time parents?  For all the times when I feel like I have no clue what I'm doing, or if I'm doing it well, or if I'm doing it the way it should be done, of if people are judging me by how I'm doing it, it was such a nice affirmation.  I mean, I'm sure the time will come when we'll be rushing out of somewhere with a small child dangling from our arms screaming at the top of his lungs.  I also know that he's still so young, that we probably can't take the credit for his behavior quite yet.  But still, it is what it is.  And since I know there will be a day when this creeps back in, and we'll feel the exact opposite, we'll just settle into the nice thought that we're doing something right.    

PS.  If you see a parent doing something right, compliment them.  It'll most likely make their day (week?).

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