Sunday, September 29, 2013

Judebug Appleseed

Was it gorgeous where you were today?  Cause it was gorgeous in St. Louis.  We took full advantage of the beautiful weather and headed outside.... to pick some apples.

We met up with some of my favorite girls, my sorority sisters from college, who I am SO incredibly lucky to have here in St. Louis.  These are the kind of people who scoop up your children and hold them as if they were their own.  Just the best girls to have around.

So needless to say, we had the greatest day.  Jude's highlight: the 'choo choo' aka the tractor ride.  I think he could have stayed on that thing all day.  But since he couldn't, here's what we did:

I'd like to draw your attention to the two little ones in the following 4 pics...

How's that for some sibling love?

This was supposed to be a girls pic. Nice photobomb Jude!

Once again, supposed to be a girls pic
Girls pic with Ollie!

On the tractor....this kid was mesmerized the entire time

The view on our drive home!

This whole day cost us $8 for the apples.  My type of day!  And now that I have $8 worth of apples, you can only guess what I'll be doing tomorrow.  Homemade applesauce anyone? Hope you guys had a great weekend, too!

1 comment:

JH said...

Looks like so much fun! We are planning an orchard and pumpkin patch soon too :-) Don't you just love fall?!