Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Merry Christmas!!!

Sorry, I just had to come out and say it.  I'm just so excited it's Christmas time!  I wait all year for this. I'm currently drinking reheated coffee from this morning (any other moms unable to finish their morning coffee?), watching the Rockefeller Christmas Tree lighting which has now switched to SNL Christmas (in case you were really wondering, JT is on doing 'homelessville'...who isn't in love with that guy?).  I have 2 kids who fell asleep at 7: the littlest in my arms and the bigger awkwardly in his chair. Either way, they are totally out.  And I had a decision to make: clean the house, or sit on the couch with a Christmas quilt and do THIS.  I chose THIS.  So far, I'm not regretting it.

So, how was your Thanksgiving?  We had the busiest, yet best time in Omaha.  We were there for a little over a week and it felt like 2 days.  Our trip can be summed up in one quote by the one and only Jude, "Wow! Omaha so busy, but so fun!"  Not kidding, guys, he said this as we were driving from Grandma's house to Nana's house.  He followed that by saying, "Nana's house, are you? (He was looking for it as we were driving)....I love all my houses!" Referring to the houses he thinks he owns, ie. Grandma's and Nana's.  He literally had the time of his life.  It makes me sad that it's only for a week here and there, but that's life.  God willing, we will be back in 4 years (You can start praying for Radiology jobs in Omaha now).  Besides Jude bouncing from all his houses, we were finally able to get our little Lucy Lu baptized!  We were so happy for her to be surrounded by family for her first sacrament! What a special day it was. All in all, it was absolutely perfect spending time with all our family.

Here are a few highlights from our ready for this?

But seriously, were you ready for that?  Who knew I could take almost 400 pics in a week?  I'm happy to report we will be doing it all over again in just 3 short weeks.

Did I mention I love this time of the year?  Merry Christmas to all!

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