Saturday, July 16, 2011

Two firsts

I bet you can't even understand how much I've been loving getting to know and spend time with my little buggy.  He amazes me each day.  I don't know why I didn't blog about it, but Jude's been smiling since he was about 4 and 1/2 weeks old.  Don't really know the exact date, but let me just tell you, I'll never forget the first time I was talking to him and he let out a huge smile at me.  It literally stole my heart straight outta my chest.  I've learned that he's in the best smiley mood in the morning and will continously melt my heart with his huge smiles and laughs.  I have also learned that when I want to show off his smile to family and friends, he tries to prove me wrong and acts all shy.  Kinda like when he was in the womb and I'd tell people he was kicking and right when they put their hand on my stomach he would stop.  Yeah, stubborn little fella we got.  But oh so cute.

Ok, the smiling has been breaking my heart in a good way but that's not even one of the two firsts I was talking about.  The two firsts I'm talking about happened last night.  The first thing is that he slept.  For five hours.  Straight!  I feel like a whole new woman!  Granted, we both slept through a feeding and I felt kinda guilty, I could really get used to that!   Jude used to sleep through feedings all the time and I had to wake him up.  But now that he's getting bigger he is curtious enough to wake me up.  Thank you Jude.  But apparently last night he just wanted to sleep.  Thank you Jude!

As for the second first, well, I usually hear his little body squirming around in his bed next to ours before he actually wakes up.  His legs and arms flail every which way and his body turns from side to side.  Well, this morning I woke up and started watching him as he became the squirm monster.  And soon enough, that squirm monster had squirmed his way onto his belly!  He rolled over!  And after he had done so, I think he quickly regretted his decision.  I have a feeling this will be happening a lot.

So Jude's napping now in his swing thank God and I had a chance to get some stuff done.  By stuff I mean dishes and laundry, you know the things you can't do when you have a 6 week old baby.  I would usually have a helper on the weekends, but Chris is working noon to midnight in the ER.  I would go on a walk and get some exercise, but it's a million and two degrees outside.  Literally.  We have an excessive heat warning going on over here in the big O.  I'm thinking we'll run some much needed errands in a very air conditioned store.  Lord knows we have plenty of those to do. 

I don't think I've even uploaded any photos since the last post.  Maybe Jude and  I will have a little photo shoot later!

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