Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Catch Up

Wow.  Where is the time going?  Because I'm realizing I don't have as much free time as I used to, I'm not even going to write much.  Let's just get right to the!

Let's see, now where did we leave off?  Ah, yes, the car!  Chris sold his old car on craiglist in literally 12 hours.  No, not daylight hours. overnight. Chris put the listing up at 9pm on whatever night it was and his phone was ringing off the hook throughout the night and into the morning.  Someone came to look at it at 9am the next day and bought it.  I've never used craiglist before so naturally I thought we were all going to die when the person came to look at it.  Luckily that wasn't the case.  I watch way too many Datelines.

Here's the sentra

Good times with this car. I remember Chris picking me up in it for our first date.

I thought it was funny he had this car when I first saw him in it.  He knows I never liked the darn thing and was probably surprised when I cried when he sold it.  Hormones!

On to better things...

A 2011 Hyundai Sonata.  It's amazing!

And how are we to pay for this new car you ask?  Well, the hubs has officially started makin' some moola!  Up until July 1 I was the sugar momma, bringing in the big bucks as a teacher.  But not anymore!  Although we're excited to have a wee bit more income, it was really hard for him to go back to work.  We had at least 3 good weeks where we were all home just being our own little fam and getting to know our baby Jude.  And the residency countdown begins:  4 more years to go!

First day of residency

Did you know the long white coat means actual MD?  He's the real deal ladies and gents!

As for baby Jude,  well, he's over a month old now!  Can you believe it?  That little guy is gonna be driving that Sonata before we know it (scary).  How bout some pics:

holding on to his little friend

Aunt Cindy, cousin Ashley and cousin Macy came to say hi

classic shot that the hubs took and I'm happy to see I have no neck

Jude you are so long

and I love how your arms go crazy when you sleep

The start of baby acne which we now think is eczema.  Oh dear Lord please don't let Jude bug have all the allergies in the world like his dad!

Fourth of July

Patriotic Jude bug

This outfit was newborn but was still huge on the poor little guy.  So he wore suspenders!

Hey Jude, why are you so cute?!


So the original plan was to get one good pic and post it, but this series was too funny so I had to post them all.

"Hey Mom, I'm not gonna lay on my back and look at you!" -Jude

"Ok, well I'll put you in your boppy then" - mom
(notice the face)

"I'm still not gonna look at you." -Jude

"See, still not looking." - Jude

"And now I'm really mad you're actually still trying to get a good pic." - Jude

"Are you seriously still trying?  If I look once will you stop?" -Jude

"I'll take that as a no." -Jude

"Ok, I'll just wait til your asleep then" - mom

And in the end, Mom wins!  (Remember that Jude bug)

Hey, remember when I said I wasn't going to write much?  Yeah, well, we all know how I am with that.


KT @ KT's Refinishing School said...

Aww Jude getting your picture taken isn't that bad, I swear!

Congrats to Chris on starting his residency--I love that you have a picture of his first day while he is holding Jude. So cute :)

JH said...

Matt and I loved looking at these pictures this morning. Those suspenders are adorable. I'm glad Chris got the new car but I can totally understand the emotions with saying goodbye to the old one!

auddi Leos said...

Are you kidding me with those suspenders????? They are PERFECT!!!! So glad you got a pic of that cutie with the one month old letters. Such a cute idea. Miss you a ton. I know you are having such a great time with JudeBug. And you are giving me baby fever.

Anonymous said...

Those suspenders are freaking adorable!!

PS I love the one month picture - I've seen lots of other couples do a pic where they take a similar pic every month for the first year. Super cute!