Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ann Alton's comin' to town

(sang to the tune 'Santa Claus is comin to town' cause I'm a nerd like that and revert everything to song)

But yes, one of my favorites made a visit this past weekend to see us.  And I was really excited about it.  But apparently not as excited as this man:

Can you tell I'd been giving him some pep talks about her visit?  I told him about some of the finer things about Ann aka ddubs:
- driving a boat which was longer than my station wagon
- close-up?
- crisp!
- dat was ma foot, beep
- being the peanut to my butter
- north of the cities
- big g and lil g (aka not a member of peta)
- first one to go on the first floor
- fries at mcdonalds = too expensive (with someone who was uninvited in the backseat)
- sleep in day ruined due to jacqueline's rap alarm clock
- not amused with a 2am wake-up from roommates "guys, this is like me coming into your room and jumping on your bed at 8am"
- did i ever use your printer?

Ok the list could go on.  We had quite the year living together on 37th and Leav (I know, I'm surprised we survived, too).  Thanks for taking time out of your weekend and seeing us.  Not to mention, I just can't get enough of you mom.  Tell her to run for president!

Until next time!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

I must say, I'm extremely jealous that Ann has some pictures with Jude at this age and I don't. Especially the first one - action shot of Jude's excitement! Maybe we could photoshop me in on that photo edit website you love. just a thought..