Sunday, December 16, 2012

I can't even imagine

I'm not going to write a lot about what happened at Sandy Hook, mostly because I don't even know where to begin and at this point, I'm not sure I can clearly articulate how I feel.

But there are a few things I do know. 

I know that I'm a mom, and to lose a child would be the absolute worst thing in the entire world.

I know that I'm a teacher.  I taught elementary school for 5 years.  I know that when we practiced lockdown situations, the kids were even scared then.  And it was practice.  They had a zillion questions and 'what ifs'.  I can't even imagine what the kids would be like in a real situation, or how I would be, and how I would begin to calm them down.

I know that when you're a teacher, those kids aren't just your students.  They're your kids.  And you love them.  And sometimes they even love you.  And that classroom is sacred.  It's beautiful.  It's full of love and learning and the thought of otherwise makes me literally sick to my stomach.

I know that one thing we need to do in all of this is forgot about the killer.  I don't want to know 'why' he did it, or what was going on in his life.  I don't want to spend hours on TV concocting an excuse for his behavior.  I want him out of my mind.  We should all want him out of our minds.  NO MORE TALK OF HIM.  Because that's exactly what he wants.  And we've gotta stop giving it to him.

I know that we need to talk about the heroes in this.  They NEED to be household names.  The teachers and staff who gave their lives protecting their students.......we need to know who they are, what they did and we need to figure out how our lives can benefit from their example.  They need to be on every news channel, their actions praised up and down.  We need to make this about them.

I know that there are 20 little angels who didn't need to go to heaven so soon.  However, I also know they're not sad.  I know they're not hurting.  I know they will still have the BEST Christmas ever this year.  I know they're experiencing the most joy right now, joy we can't even imagine because it's heaven, and we can't comprehend it yet. 

I know that this is a situation of Good vs. Evil.  There has always been evil in this world.  Unfortunately, there always will be.  Because of this, we NEED God in our lives.

I know that our society and culture needs to start putting God first.  We need to stop worrying about political correctness and 'offending' those who don't believe.  You know who's offended when you act like He's not there?  God.

I know that in the end, Good always defeats Evil.

God Bless us all.

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