Thursday, December 6, 2012

On having it all

I get like this during the holiday season.  I want to have it all.  I want to buy everything.  I want to shop, shop and then shop some more.  I want to get people gifts, expensive ones, even if we can't afford it.  My jealousy starts to come out.  I see people buying things and think, why can't I have that?  If they can afford it, then so can I!

But in reality, I know I can't.  I know that we have a budget, and that we're really good at sticking to it.  Maybe the people who are buying things are in debt.  Maybe they can't afford it either, but are adding it to their credit card and 'worrying about it later.'  After all, that's what our society teaches, and heck, that's what our government is doing, so what's the big deal?  If they're not accountable, then why do I have to be?

The big deal, in my personal opinion, is that it's important to be smart with your money. To be proud that you have no credit card debt, and that you're able to pay off each bill in full, each month.  That's important to us, and that's how we live our life.  Our parents instilled in us the ability to shop sales, to look for deals and to understand that even if you have the money, you don't have to have it all, to have it all.

Growing up, I literally thought we were poor.  And during parts of it, we probably were.  Now that I understand a little more closely how the medical field works..... (aka you acquire tons of student loan debt while going to school for a zillion years, then get paid less than minimum wage for the hours you put in during residency (4 years at least for my dad and Chris), then continue that trend for a few more years while you work on your fellowship, only to come out like 10 years later to hopefully find a job in a decent city that might actually pay a salary you completely deserve - did you hear all that?  Sidenote: don't EVER complain about any doctors to me ever because I happen to respect the guts out of ALL of them.} .......I'm able to look back and see that although my parents could afford most of what they wanted, they never let us think that we could have everything we wanted.  Whether they knew it or not, they instilled in us the mindset that having money to buy it all, won't bring you the all you're really looking for.  That true happiness comes from appreciating what you've got now and not worrying about 'the all' you don't have.

I always ask Chris, who's more money conscience than anyone I know, if we'll splurge on things when we're able to.  Naturally, it excites me to think of the day when we won't have to be as restricted with our budget.  He agrees to a certain point that we might buy nicer things, but in all honesty, I think our mindset will always be the same.  I think we'll still go to Target for fun, just to look at what's on clearance.  I think we'll always be patient enough to wait til it's on sale or find the best deal online.  And clearly we're more than ok with that.

I find this mindset to be the biggest blessing because in reality you never know what could happen tomorrow.   What if for some reason we never make it to the time when our budget is bigger?  What if Obama screws doctors and healthcare like he's planning to and Chris will never see the monetary benefits of all his hard work?  What if Chris's health makes him unable to work and provide for us the way he's hoped?  What if, what if, what iffffff? 

I'll tell you what if.....if those things happen, we'll be fine.  We'll be fine because we realize life isn't all about things.  It's not about having quantity, but quality.  There was a billboard in Omaha that simply read, "The best things in life aren't things."  Um, hello, did you hear that?  Leave it to Omaha for those good old life lessons.  Life isn't about things.  It's not about how much stuff you have or how many gifts you can buy people.  It's about the little moments that bring you joy.  It's about finding what's important to you and appreciating it. 

For me, I have it all because I'm able to stay home with Jude; I have a roof over my head that just so happens to be perfect for us; I have a husband who is the strongest, most genuine, caring, loving person I have ever met; I have a baby on the way who I already love; I have siblings that I not only get along with, but that I'm proud to say are related to me; I have parents that gave me the world and continue to support and love me; and last, but not least, I have faith that gives me the comfort to know that everything will always be ok if you just trust in word and action. 

Guys, good news, don't let the world fool you,  you most certainly can have it all, without having it all

You know, just in case you needed the reminder.

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