Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Pregnancy brain

I just noticed that my last post was about how crazy miserable I was feeling a week ago.  In case anyone was losing sleep over my well-being, I am here to tell you that I am feeling much better!  I'm able to walk like a normal person again.  Amen for baths and heating pads!  The only thing bothering me today:  inappropriately fitting undies {Oh come on, don't tell me I'm the only pregnant person wishing for normal fitting underwear....}.

So since I'm sharing some raw details of my life, I'd like to tell you about my shower experience the other night.  It started out great, and considering Jude was already asleep, it was uninterrupted and worry-free {A luxury}.  I began to bust out with the shower radio {total necessity, am I right?} and two seconds later found myself conditioning my hair.  People.  I literally said aloud to myself, "Wait, did I even shampoo?"  I said this out loud.  To. Myself.  No I in fact had not shampooed my hair, but instead ended up conditioning twice.  Which I guess isn't all that bad....we have like triple the conditioner than shampoo and now it is extra shiny.  But really, guys, this is getting bad.  Another example:  The other day I asked Christopher a question and he said, "What?" because he hadn't heard me and then I said, "Wait, what did I ask you again/" and he looked at me like I was from mars because neither of us knew my question.  This is my life right now.

All in all, I'm hoping that in a few weeks I will get at least some of my brain back.

And be able to fit into my underwear.


Anonymous said...

HI, This Brain Freeze also happens in Menopause, however, I am Blessed to be a woman!

Anonymous said...