Friday, January 11, 2013


Today is a weird day.

It started when my alarm went off this morning. I haven't set an alarm in months. But the thing is, I needed to shower. And lately, showering with a toddler is much harder than it sounds.

Warning: super long tangent starts here: Why doesn't anyone talk about this? Am I doing something wrong?  I've discovered that if you have a small child, your showering is limited to nap time, before the wee one wakes in the morn, or after they go to bed. Lately I just haven't been able to give up the precious nap time for a stinkin shower. And I hate getting up early, so after bedtime it is. But I hate going to bed with wet hair, and I hate blow drying my hair, so pretty much I hate showering at night. See how big of a problem this is for me? Tangent ending.

So I woke up this morning and jumped in the shower.   It felt like the olden days when I'd get up and shower for work.  It felt even more like those days when I actually blow-dried my hair and *gasp* applied makeup.  I seriously love makeup, but I never do it because my small child doesn't care how I look (and unlike Omaha, I probably won't see anyone I know when running errands.....oh gosh,  my Grandma Thompson is rolling in her grave.  I remember her womanly words of wisdom, "Don't ever leave the house without looking your best!"  Sorry, Gram.  I wish I had energy to follow through with that advice!) So needless to say, today I looked decent. Which is an extremely weird and rare occurrence around here.

Basically, I needed to use this opportunity to take a belly bump pic.  Because remember, I actually am pregnant.  Speaking of that, it hit me.  Really hit me the other day.  I was having trouble picking up Jude.  My back hurt.  I wanted to fall asleep at any and every given second.  Clothes are annoying and don't fit. I set up the pack-n-play and snuggle bunny bouncer.  Guys, she's coming.  And I just don't know if I'm ready.  (Except I'm totally ready to not be preggers and chasing around a toddler...)  I'm finally feeling pregnant.


I promise to take another picture this afternoon because this is a super lame excuse for bump pic.  You can barely see that bump with my huge ipad case in the way.  But at least you get the idea!  Isn't she cute?  We have pretty much narrowed down her name to 2 choices, and I'm literally back and forth about them each day.  I think Christopher is leaning more towards one (and I guess I am too...I think....), but is not 100% sure either.  We didn't have this problem with Jude.  That boy was Jude from day 1!  Good thing we have a couple more months to think about it.

Besides actually getting around to taking a picture, today is also weird because it is 67 degrees outside right now.  Did you hear that?  67!  I'm not even sure where we live anymore, but rest assured, this is not me complaining.  It is such a tease for spring, and I must say, I'm excited.

Another weird thing about today,  I finished the book I was reading.  Thanks, Mom!  It's not everyday you can say you finished a book.  More on the book later, because it was a super good read.

And last, but certainly not least, there is one more weird thing about today.  Even weirder is that I can't quite tell you what it is yet.  But trust me, I'm more than excited to share the news!  Check back soon, loves!

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