Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lucy loves Jude

Tonight at bedtime, this happened....

 ,,,,And I just felt like you needed to see it. I know I needed to see it.  There's a little girl who's so completely obsessed with her big brother.  She literally just watches him the entire day, and in her eyes, he really can do no wrong.  It's pretty cute.

What you can't see in this video is the super long day we had and the colds we're fighting off.  I'm not gonna sugar-coat things folks, there was snot everywhere today.  I lead a glamorous life, I know.  Because of this, and the fact that it was raining outside, we stayed inside. all. day. long.  I nearly died.  We usually run an errand, go on a walk to the park or at least just go outside in the backyard to not feel so cooped.  But today we had none of that, and by the end of the day I was done.  Not to mention, poor Chris has been dealing with a terrible flu-like virus since last Thursday, so when he comes home from work (there's no sick days in residency....that just made me think of "There's no crying in baseball".....yikes, I need sleep) he's pretty out of commission.  Let's just say I'm pretty ready for full health around here!

PS.  Is it getting cold where you are?  It is here.  I wore an entire outfit of fleece today (I was super cozy and warm, not to mention it was the perfect kleenex material for all the you know what we got around here).  We busted out our space heaters and sweatshirts and are pretty ready to tackle these cold autumn/winter months.  I think.  Hope you are staying cozy too!

PPS.  Cozy is by far my favorite word in the English language.

Night guys!

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