Monday, June 27, 2011

Six Two Six

Ok, so it's a day late, but yesterday was our one year wedding anniversary.  I know everyone says the years go by fast, but wow, that one really flew by!  We spent most of the day reminiscing about what we were doing last year on our wedding day......and thinking about how so much has changed since then.

So what did we do to celebrate?  Besides snuggling with our 3 week old love, we headed to dinner at Nicola's in the old market.  Best lasagna ever.  But despite how good the food was, we didn't make a night of it.  We headed home right away.  It felt wrong to be away from our Jude bug. I checked my phone a million times just to look at his picture.  How quickly our lives can change!

us at dinner

We also ate some of our wedding cake.  It was just as good as it was last year and the taste brought back so many memories.

They actually made us a whole new anniversary cake to freeze.  De-lish.

designed just like the real wedding cake

and boy was it to die for!

Here's to many more years!


KT @ KT's Refinishing School said...

We got our cake from Cupcake Island too although we didn't end up saving it (too hard to transport safely from Omaha to St. Louis). We are heading there for some fresh cupcakes this weekend instead :)

Also, I just realized your anniversary date is the same as Pasadena's area code (626)--coincidence or did you totally plan that?!

Gabrielle said...

Cupcake Island is the best! I'm glad you're going to get some cupcakes this weekend. If you have time, let me know and you can stop by and meet Jude! Also, are you guys moving back to Omaha? Did Jarrod get a job?

As for our wedding was a total coincidence, but when I realized it I was like AHHH totally meant to be!! It's a date/number I will never forget!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary! And you got to have an amazing early first anniversary present! :)

KT @ KT's Refinishing School said...

Aww that would be great! Will you and Jude bug be around Friday morning? I don't want to interrupt nap time or anything so you tell me when's the best time to visit!

Jarrod did get a job in Omaha but first we are spending a year in South Bend, IN while he clerks for a federal judge there...a little fellowship type thing if you will :) I'm sad we will miss each other in St. Louis and Omaha but would love to see you guys and give you the low-down on the Lou!