Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I could really get used to this

I have Wednesdays off this year since my new computer/library position was crammed into 4 days.  So what do I plan to do on Wednesdays?  Well, I thought I'd get so much done.  You know, like the laundry that's piled up, the dishes that just sit in the sink and the overall cleaning that's been totally neglected.  And then I remembered that I have much bigger and better priorities now.  So this is what I'm doing.....

Patting the little tush (can't say I've ever written that word so I have no idea if that's how you spell it) of my Judebug who can't seem to stay on his back today.  Every time I put him there, he rolls onto his tummy.  He's been moving his arms and legs like he's crawling and he's holding up his head like a big boy.  um, yikes. 

Oh hey there baby love!

Being with you is the best way to spend the day.

And in the short time that I've posted, he's totally snoozin' on his tummy of course.  So I started reading my favorite mag.  I get excited when I get it in the mail each month.

So many great ideas in there.

Only thing that'll make this day better?  If that hubs gets off work at 2 like he's supposed to.  But we all know how that goes.....


JH said...

How is it possible for him to get cuter and cuter?!?

JH said...

Hey Gaby- you should check out I think you and Jude would like it :-)