Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesdays are my favorite

And they are extra amazing during Christmastime.......

Want to know something strange?  That stocking is mine.  I look at it all the time and wonder why we have my mom's stocking hanging at our house.  Then I remember that I'm a mom.  Thanks Jen and Joey for these amazing Christmas gifts last year!
Want to know something strange about that Baby's First Christmas stocking?  Yeah, it was mine when I was 4 days old in 1984.  Can't believe it's my Judebug's now.

Speaking of that little one,  I sure had a good helper today.

Oh hey Judebug, thanks for digging through all the fabric.

Oh hey Judebug, thanks for digging through the camera bag. 

Oh hey Judebug, I see you eyeing the paints. 

Oh hey Judebug, thanks for digging through the paints.

Oh hey Judebug, how'd you know momma needed white?

If you're wondering when he started pulling himself up on things, it was probably yesterday.  It was seriously like, BAM, there he was, pulling himself up.  My sweet, sweet baby is growing up!

And naturally, after all of that help..........

  .....a snooze was in order.


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