Saturday, March 3, 2012

music and memories

I'm a sucker for memories.  I love to think about my life and what I've been through.  Sometimes I forget all the crazy things I've done, and then all of a sudden a flood of memories will rush on through reminding me of my past.

A lot of times that reminder comes from music.  Not just a particular song, the artist alone can do it.  So when I heard about this new song, I got that rush.
 I am completely in love with Jason Mraz.  How can you not be?  I mean, listen to that voice!  And speaking about memories, when I heard this song I was brought back to that music hall in LA when I first saw him in concert.  He had his trademark hat on (and his short hair, not diggin this long-haired look, but I get that you gotta try new things every once in a while....) and he had his guitar and man oh man did he belt out some tunes.  He even had an oriental rug on stage, you know, to add to the ambiance.

I think it was a summer night when I was either a junior or senior in high school.  I think the tickets were a gift from my boyfriend.  I think we were already broken up by the time of this concert, but he decided to still take me (thank goodness).

Wow, those were the days.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I totally love my life as it is right now.  But GOL, I had no real responsibilities, other than an occasional babysitting gig.  The rest of the time I spent soaking up the sun (either at the beach or at home) and hanging out with the sisterhood.

Life was good.  There are times when I get jealous of my past life.  Which is weird, cause it is my life.  But I guess it says I've had a pretty great life.  I'm definitely lucky.  Hey, isn't that another mraz song?

Oh Jason, look what you've done to me.

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