Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.  But before I do, I have to tell you that this little man was so funny during his baptism.  He talked and talked and talked and talked.  I had to apologize for his constant rambling.  Good thing the deacon ended up blamed it on the fact that he was blessed with the Holy Spirit.  Can't argue with the deacon.  Besides his chattiness, he ended up laughing when he was annointed with oil on his chest.  I know I'm his mom and all, but I have to say it was pretty cute.  As for any crying, you ask?  Nope, not this guy.....he was all smiles and laughs!

His daddy wore this same outfit at his baptism!

He was totally into every word the deacon said.

The great grandparents

He found this part really funny.  If only you could see his face.

Looking to auntie la la for support.  Good thing she's giving it.

oh hey guys!

The parents and godparents

I bet he wishes he could have some of that cake......de-lish. 

"Um, I'd like to say one thing......does this shirt go with my tie?"
(thanks Megan - it's so cute!)

uncs al

What a great day!

1 comment:

Megan Barber said...

Love the tie! He looks so handsome in it. :)