Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The 7 dollar dress

As some of you might know, my latest and greatest hobby (I have a lot-making it nearly impossible for me to be bored) is sewing.

For the longest time I'd been going to fabric stores and stocking up on cute/inexpensive fabric. The minor problem was I never did anything with it. Now don't get me wrong, my fabric pile was adorbs! I thoroughly enjoyed looking at it and thinking about the endless possibilities. But after several months of stock piling, it was seriously time to put those suckers to good use!

And so when the perfect opp arose this weekend (aka boys were snoozing and I had a bit of energy) this 7 dollar dress was born.

I wore it to work today. Can't wait to make some more (you know, if that rare opportunity ever comes around again...)


Caitlin said...

oh my god...soooo cute! one day, i want to be like you

Gabrielle said...

Ok good, because one day I want to be like you. So we can just switch! By the way, I lol'd at your comment on the bike post....you and Christopher both aren't gonna let me buy one. Bummer! I guess i'll wait til we get our beach house!