Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mom, Dad, bath, pacu

I started this post on Tuesday and forgot to finish it because the video I was trying to add wasn't working. Let's see if I have some luck today....

Jude has some new tricks! Lately he's really been talking and I have to say it's pretty much the cutest thing in the entire world. He's been recognizing words for a few weeks now and will do certain things we ask him to do. For example, he's got a pillow pet named Tucker (adorbs) and when we ask him, "Where's Tucker?" he goes and gives him lots of love. Or when we ask him where his pacu (short for pacifier, pronounced pass-ew, it's what my family has always called it) is he'll look for it until he finds it.

So last night when we were talking, I asked him where his bath was. He usually looks upstairs, but then to my surprise he actually started saying the word! I wasn't able to catch the first few (and best) times on camera, but I tried to squeeze a few more outta him and this is what we got:


 Life is so fun with this buggie!