Monday, June 13, 2011

Meeting GG

Jude's been a busy bee in his first 9 days .... you know, eating, pooping, sleeping, and meeting people.  We've been busy too .... you know, feeding, changing, sort of sleeping and taking Jude to meet people.  We were so happy to go hang out with Great Grandma Helen on Saturday.  Jude is her 2nd great grandchild and she was beyond excited to meet him. 

Grandpa Hasiak wanted a little Jude bug action in his life, too.

Seriously, I can't get over this bouncer.  Look at those ears!  And while you're looking, take a look at that baby....and those toesies!  Ahhh, so much love going on in this pic.

Snug as a Jude bug in a rug

..... and tiring apparently.

Today I'm finally starting to feel a little bit back to normal.  The pain isn't as bad as before and I'm feeling more active.  I don't know where I'm getting my energy.  I'm up at all hours of the night feeding Jude.  Don't get me wrong, Jude is the best baby in all the world!  He could sleep through the night if I let him, something we're going to miss in a few weeks I'm sure.  For now, I need to get him up every 2 hours and feed him.  Do you know how hard it is to wake up a sleeping baby?  Especially one who is not so interested in eating.  They tell me to strip his clothes off and make him cold.  They tell me to put a cold washcloth on his forehead.  They tell me to tickle him constantly.  Yep, tried 'em all and still the little guy continues to sleep.  Unfortunately, he's losing weight, so we're doing everything we can to beef him up.  It's exhausting trying to plump up a 6lb boy! 

Breastfeeding is something I really want to work out.  Trust me, I'm not giving up without a fight.  Jude just doesn't seem to have the hang of it yet.  Or maybe I don't have the hang of it yet.  At this point we might need to suppliment some formula until he gains his weight back.  Any moms out there have breastfeeding issues?  Or advice?  Did you suppliment and breastfeed?  Pump? We just spent our life savings on a Medela pump.  Wow, those things are insanely expensive.  I will probably cry if that doesn't work out.  Hey moms out there, what were your experiences? 


Anonymous said...

Hey Friend! - Methodist has the best lactation consultants, you can email them and call them. You can even go to the Women's Hospital for an in-person consultation. I promise - they are fabulous and ready and willing to help. Call (402) 815-1528. Phone consultation is available every day from 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. They can also answer non-complex questions via e-mail at E-mails will be answered within 48 hours.

I'm going to email you a fact sheet that has info about a support group too - you get to meet with a lactation consultant and other moms - I think you may really like it.

Finally - I need to come see that baby! I can't wait to meet him!

Megan Barber said...

Hi Gabrielle! I am willing to try to answer any questions you may have...I am still doing the whole nursing thing with Will. :) Why don't you e-mail me? ( I'm not sure the whole blog world wants to hear all the ins and outs of breastfeeding - ha ha! :) Hang in there!