Monday, May 16, 2011

Good Eatin'

I have proudly gained several pounds during this pregnancy.  40ish to be exact, but who's counting?  I really am starting to get nervous about getting it off post pregnancy, but I figure I'll cross that bridge when I get there.  That'll make for some good blog posts I imagine.  Until then, Christopher and I have been eating some great meals...both out and about and right here at home.  Now that it's nicer outside, we've been putting our cute little charcoal grill to good use.  And by we, I mean my wonderful hubs.

Doesn't that look like a great summer meal?  Yep, there's more where that came from (I hope).  But tonight we had a meal that made me nostalgic for the sisterhood.  We whipped up some taco salad and it was amazing.  Taco salad is kind of a sisterhood tradish...we make it everytime we're together.  Cait, Ood, Mars....I thought about you tonight....

Miss you.


Caitlin said...

Aaaahhh.. miss you, too. That dinner does look de-lish!! Wish we were all there to share it with you. <3 Doing great with the baby weight.. super excited for june!!!

auddi Leos said...

My mother gained 80 pounds while she was pregnant with me!!! So you are in great shape... and as far as the taco salad goes, yummmmmmm. Wish I was having some tonight. Miss you, ladies, too!!!!